Jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the Constitutional Court is entitled to decide in respect of the following:
1. compliance of laws and other general acts with the Constitution, generally accepted rules of international law and ratified international treaties;
2. compliance of ratified international treaties with the Constitution;
3. compliance of other general acts with law; 
4. compliance of the Statute and general acts of autonomous provinces and local self-government units with the Constitution and law; 
5. compliance of general acts of organisations with delegated public powers, political parties, trade unions, civic associations and collective agreements with the Constitution and law.
6. conflict of competence between:
- courts and state bodies;
- republic and provincial bodies or bodies of local self-government units; 
- provincial bodies and bodies of local self-government units,
- bodies of various autonomous provinces and various local-self government units;
7. election disputes for which the court jurisdiction has not been specified by law; 
8. prohibition of political parties, trade unions or civic associations and prohibition of religious communities, under the conditions provided by the Constitution;
9. a violation of the Constitution by the President of the Republic;
10. a complaint against a decision concerning the confirmation of members of parliament mandates;
11. a complaint against the High Judicial Council's decision concerning the termination of a judicial function and a complaint against the High Judicial Council's decision, in cases stipulated by law;
12. a complaint against a decision on the termination of the Public Prosecutor's function and the Public Prosecutor's Deputy's function;
13. the constitutional appeal;
14. postponement of enforcement of a disputed decision by an autonomous province body;
15. a complaint of the body designated by an autonomous province statute;
16. a complaint of the body designated by a municipal statute;
17. carries out other tasks specified by the Constitution and law.