Miroslav Nikolić was born on 13 September, in 1959, in Deliblato, the Municipality of Kovin. He completed primary school and grammar school education in Kovin, and the Faculty of Law in Belgrade.
He acquired his professional training in the field “Contracts in International Trade” at postgraduate studies of Belgrade Faculty of Law, as well as at the Los Angeles Federal Commercial Court, the USA.
Subsequent to graduating from the Faculty of Law, he first found employment with the Main Office for Regulation of Building Land of the Kovin Municipality, then as an administrative assistant for regulation of building land, then as the secretary of the commercial industrial company PIK Peščara Deliblato, and then as an associate and intern with the Municipal Court of Pančevo.
He was appointed Judge of the Pančevo Municipal Court on 10 January 1991, where as the youngest judge of this court he worked in civil law department, adjudicating in litigation proceedings until 15 November 1995.
He was appointed as a judge of the Pančevo Commercial Court on 16 November 1995. As a judge of this court, he adjudicated in the cases of commercial disputes, enforcements, bankruptcies and liquidations.
On 20 September 2001, he was appointed as the president of the Commercial Court in Pančevo, and he served two terms in this capacity, at the same time acting as a judge in enforcement, registration and bankruptcy cases. During this time, the Pančevo Commercial Court was one of the most expeditious and highest quality courts of trade and commerce in the Republic of Serbia.
In January 2005, he was appointed as an arbitrator - a representative of the Arbitration Council of the Commercial Chamber of Serbia; June - December 2011 he was appointed as an arbitrator of the Standing Appointed Court of the Commercial Chamber of Serbia; and, in July 2012, he was appointed as the deputy-president of the Court of Honour of the Commercial Chamber of Serbia.
He was appointed as a judge of the Appellate Commercial Court on 16 December 2009.
By the Decision of the High Judicial Council of 23 December 2009, he was appointed as an acting president of the Commercial Appellate Court in Belgrade, and performed this function until 30 October 2013.
By the Decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia of 31 October 2013, he was appointed as the president of the Commercial Appellate Court in Belgrade, and performed this function until he took up his appointment as a Judge of the Constitutional Court, on 23 December 2016.
At the Commercial Appellate Court, in addition to the function of the Court president, he acted as the president of the case-law department, president of chambers and a chamber member in commercial disputes, as well as acted on behalf of the editor of the Bulletin for commercial courts case-law. In the World Bank reports for 2012, the Commercial Appellate Court was designated as the “champion” of Serbian judiciary.
He takes active part in the Association of Legal Professionals in the Commerce of Serbia as a member of the managing board, participates in the Kopaonik School of Natural Law in the capacity of co-editor of the department for commercial and bankruptcy law, and teaches bankruptcy law at Belgrade Faculty of Law to those preparing to take the bar exam.
He actively participated at numerous round tables in the field of commercial and bankruptcy law, both at home and abroad. He participated at the Brussels round table “Friends of Europe”, with the theme “The Investment Climate in the Republic of Serbia”, and was a member of the high-level delegation visiting Brussels in relation to bankruptcy law-related screening in the Republic of Serbia.
He is the author of several papers in the field of commerce, arbitration and bankruptcy law. As a member of the working group, he participated in drafting the Law on Enforcement Proceedings, the Law on Litigation Proceedings and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Bankruptcy.
He was appointed Judge of the Constitutional Court by the Decision of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, on 16 December 2016.
He is married, and has two adult children.